after the construction of the twin-towered Time Warner Center
in Manhattan (home to twenty million dollar condos featuring,
its owners claimed, the "most commanding view of any
residences overlooking Central Park"), Donald Trump had
banners hung from his own World Tower, a neighboring building
to the north.
Trump's message? "Your views aren't so great, are they?
We have the real Central Park views and address! Best Wishes,
The Donald."
the March 1990 Playboy interview with Donald Trump:
How is your marriage?
Just fine. Ivana is a very kind and good woman. I also think
she has the instincts and drive of a good manager. She's focused
and she's a perfectionist.
And as a wife, not a manager?
I never comment on romance.... She's a great mother, a good
woman who does a good job.
What is marriage to you? Is it monogamous?
I don't have to answer that. I never speak about my wife--which
is one of the advantages of not being a politician. My marriage
is and should be a personal thing.
at a party:
bookmakers are taking bets on who Donald Trump will marry
next (a serious remark).
are: Marla Maples 34 to 1, Elizabeth Taylor 5000 to 1, etc.
etc., and Boy George 65000 to 1.
else who overheard suggested that The Donald would place a
large bet on Boy George and marry him to collect.
Trump: Friar's Club Roast
October 15, 2004, shortly before his wedding to model Melania
Knauss, Donald Trump was roasted at the Friar's Club's 100th
anniversary bash in New York City. Regis Philbin led a panel
of friends in razzing the Donald, among them comedian Susie
Essman. "I know what Melania sees in you," she joked.
"A billion dollars and high cholesterol!"