Store employees
put up with a lot of shit. When jerks come into
their store treating them like crap, there is a
lot that goes through an employees mind they
just can't just say without loosing their
You are obviously
smarter than me, so if YOU can't figure it out,
what the hell makes you think I can?
No, sir, I'm not hard-of-hearing, neither am I
stupid. You just don't speak good English.
Do you notice that your bad behaviour is
embarrassing your wife?
Do you want me to go ahead and call the manager,
or do you want me to wait till you're REALLY
pissed off?
I can tell you right now I'm not going to give
you very good service, because I think you're
drunk or possibly on drugs, and frankly, you
scare the hell out of me.
No, sir, I can't do math in my head, but I can
spell diarrhea.
I realize I'm ignoring you, but you're in here
every three days with your bratty kid and you
never buy anything you don't return.
Shame on you for using such language in front of
your children.
You've been waiting 30 minutes? Why didn't you
use the time to find it yourself?
If I were as smart as you THINK I should be, I'd
be making a lot more money than I am now.
Don't complain
about the fucking line up and then fumble
through your purse for 5 minutes when you
finally have your order taken.
Ahhhh thanks
for that tip chief...maybe I can make a fucking
phone call now!
No, really, I
want you to call me every day to ask what time
we close when we are open 24 hours a day.
Please bring in
your fucking dirty cans and bottles that are
filled with cigarette butts, piss, cockroaches,
ants.... And yes, you do have to put your nasty
shit on a box, because ill be dammed if I touch
Oh yes, please
let me search out that item that we haven't had
for eight years and then bitch to me for a half
hour about how we had it yesterday. We
Should I hand
you the fries or shove them up your fat ass?
So you want a
combo, but you want onion rings instead of
fries, a stake instead of a burger, and you want
a can of pop instead of fountain pop.....WELL IT
Well now that
you've ordered your large popcorn with extra
butter and 2 large chocolate bars, I'm sure that
the large DIET coke will really do you some good
and cancel out the 10,000 calories you are about
to eat while you sit on your ass and do sweet
fuck all nothing for the next two hours.
You're an
idiot. So are your kids.
You know I am
off work and yet you insist on motioning to
me... Well for some reason I have gone blind and
can't see you. Dink!
Maybe you
should buy a full length mirror before buying
all that junk food.
What the fuck
are you standing around staring at the menu for,
jackass?!?!? We've had the same goddamn menu for
25 years. Get the fucking quarter pounder!
Don't complain
about the fucking line up if you have had the
past 15 minutes to get your money ready and your
only now fumbling through your bottomless purse
for money. Get organized you old, useless,
inconsiderate, ungrateful, sack of shit.
We're closed
dumb fuck, that's why I didn't take your order
when you pulled through my drive thru!
No I won't make your sandwich without pickles,
you can eat what the rest of fucking America
Will you get out of my store so that I may clean
up your fucking mess, so that I can go home?
I don't mind helping you Sir/Madame, but please
go home and take a BATH!!!
OK dumbass, it was a choice of paper OR plastic.
Not a combination thereof, just paper or friggin'
plastic. Do you honestly think I care about the
arse of your bags ripping?
No you moron, I don't work here! I'm only here
because I like to wear this name tag, sweep
floors and hang around 10 to 12 hours a day for
the fun of it!
You don't like the new layout of the store? OK,
well fuck off to another supermarket. I don't
give a shit.
The food will never look like it does in the
pictures. The food in the picture was plastic.