The Barbie doll enjoys
being one of the worlds most popular toys.
However, along the way to getting that status,
there were a number of doll variations that
never quite made it. This is a list of the
Barbie dolls that you most likely haven't seen
on store shelves lately...
Scratch and Sniff Barbie
(Use your imagination...we're not saying a
Crash Test Barbie
Opera Barbie (complete
with the horns and the brass brassiere)
Marie Antionette Barbie
(with removable head; guillotine included)
Hiroshima Barbie (just a
shadow of her former self)
Enron Barbie (Originally
sold for $29.95, but now you can't give her
Frozen Barbie on a Stick
(in your grocer's frozen food section)
Divorce Barbie (includes
the house, the car, and half of Ken's crap)
Broken Bungee Barbie
FrankenBarbie (green
Barbie with bolts through her neck)
Shock Therapy Barbie
(car battery and wires included)
Samuel L. Jackson Ken
(He'll get medieval on your a**.)
Manic Depressive Barbie
(with a set of Oriental throwing knives)
Biker Barbie (with
leather jacket, tattoos, and red bandana)
Cheesehead Barbie
(Wisconsin's best)
Dogsled Barbie
Peg Leg Barbie
Eye Patch Barbie
Politically Incorrect
Barbie (Pull the string and she loudly blurts
all your favorite racial slurs.)
Death Row Barbie
(formerly #31)
Life Size Anatomically
Correct Barbie (for all you perverts out there)
Martha Stewart Barbie
(comes with orange jumpsuit and
color-coordinated accessories)
Homeless Barbie
(complete with stolen K-Mart shopping cart)
Tattoo Barbie
Burn Victim Barbie
(bandages and Bactine included)
Venus de Milo Barbie
(made of rock; no head, no arms)
Bulemic Barbie (Feed
her, then make her throw it back up!)
Cyberpunk Barbie
(includes 'trodes and implants)
White Trash Barbie
Serial Killer Barbie
Drag Queen Ken (Comes
with three, count 'em, three, of Barbie's
Acupuncture Barbie (not
recommended or children under seven)
Voodoo Doll Barbie (see
#33 above)
Cannibal Barbie (Great
visual imagery, huh?)
Fast Food Barbie (Also
known as McBarbie...you want fries with that?)
Teenage Slut Barbie (see
Polar Bear Club Barbie
(dip her in cold water, and her skin turns from
pink to blue!)
Ski Bunny Barbie (soon
to be #60)
Sucking Chest Wound
Alien Barbie (Don't tell
Ken In Black (protecting
Barbie from the worst scum of the universe)
Alien Eyewitness Barbie
(vacant expression, been flashed one too many
times with the neuralizer)
Mafia Ken (With a violin
case...you got a problem with that?)
Alcoholics Anonymous
Barbie (With coffee mug and 12-step guide)
Mutant Barbie (comes
with Dark Phoenix costume)
Las Vegas Showgirl
Barbie (with skimpy dress)
FemmiNazi Barbie (Pull
the string and find out why men suck.)
Goth grrl Barbie (with
black hair and lipstick, dog collar, and 20-hole
Doc Martens)
Body Piercing Barbie
Napoleon Ken (stands 2"
Midget Barbie (partner
to #51, above)
Spank-Me Barbie (see
Shish-Ka-Barbie (Here's
one we'd all like to see!)
Knocked-Up Barbie
Chain Smoker Barbie
(with Surgeon General's warning on box)
Tough B*tch Barbie (see
Junkie Barbie (Gotta
love those needle tracks...)
Iron Maiden Barbie (No,
not the band...)
Avalanche Barbie (buried
in 16 feet of snow)
Hooker Barbie (#47 after
the show)
Cross-Dressing Ken, er,
Barbie, er, Ken (Who knows?)
Whoopie Cushion Barbie
(Do you really need a description?)
Microsoft Barbie (Barbie
doll with Bill Gates' head. Seeks to eliminate
all other dolls.)
Realistic Teenage Barbie
(flat chest, braces, and acne)
Internet Addiction
Barbie (Pale complexion, bloodshot eyes, and
coffee-stained clothes.
Pull the string and she
either spouts URL's or mutters to herself.)
Triple Espresso Barbie
(pull the string and she shakes uncontrollably
for hours)
Barbie (with a wallet full of credit cards)
Collection Agency Ken
(starts calling 6 months after you buy #68,
Bankruptcy Barbie
(formerly #68 above; Chapter VII or Chapter XIII
Tasmanian Barbie (spins
like a top)
Siamese Twins Barbie
(Actually, I believe they prefer to be called
"conjoined twins".)
Edible Barbie (also
known as Choc-O-Barbie)
Hockey Barbie (With
bruises, a hockey stick, and missing teeth.)
Triple Bypass Barbie
Diarrhea Barbie (Always
on the run.)
Kleptomaniac Barbie
(with suction cup hands)
Witch Doctor Ken
(partner to #34, above)
Elvira Barbie (with long
black hair and skimpy black gown)
Werewolf Barbie (normal
doll, except under a full moon)
Living Dead Barbie (use
your imagination)
Bigfoot Barbie (sold
mostly in the Northwest)
Cyclops Barbie (One eye,
right in the middle of her forehead.)
Cyclops Ken (A perfect
partner for #46.)
Flying Hero Barbie (Yes,
I know they made this one, but it's at least as
ludicrous as anything we came up with.)
Spock Ken (pointy ears,
one eyebrow raised)
Barbie of Borg (You will
buy one. Resistance is futile.)
Hippie Chick Barbie
(with bell bottoms, protest sign, and simulated
controlled substances and paraphernalia)
Blaxploitation Barbie
(With afro and provocative outfit. Shaft Ken
sold separately.)
Head Trauma Barbie (I
don't even want to talk about that one.)
Leprosy Barbie (with
removable appendages)
Iron Lung Barbie
Texas Necktie Barbie
(with gallows)
Safari Barbie (With
rifle, pith helmet, and pygmy guide.)
Steroid Barbie (The rest
of her physique is as exaggerated as her bust is
on the normal doll!)
Steroid Ken (Highly
exaggerated physique; Major League Baseball
uniform included {specify desired team}.)
Rock Climbing Barbie (#9
with climbing gear)
Militant Femminist
Barbie (#48 with an assault rifle)
Telemarketer Barbie
(With headset and cheerful voice; your telephone
is guaranteed to ring from 5:00 to 9:00 every
Paraplegic Barbie (Her
legs don't move.)
Quadraplegic Barbie
(Neither do her arms.)
Cadaver Barbie
(removable internal organs)
Hunchback Barbie (Pull
the string and she cries, "Sanctuary!
Barbie Brain in a Jar
(an empty jar!)
Circus Clown Barbie
Human Cannonball Barbie
(complete with spring-loaded cannon that will
shoot her 2-3 feet.)
Lion Tamer Barbie (Lion
is included. Barbie's head is not.)
Freak Show Barbie
Bearded Barbie
Elephant Trainer Barbie
(squashed flat)
Bladder Control Barbie
(comes with a free box of Depends?undergarments)
Jabba the Barbie
Princess Leia Barbie
(Barbie with the hairdo from Star Wars and the
metal bikini from
Return of the Jedi)
Darth Vader Barbie
(Plastic helmet; pull the string and she sounds
like James Earl Jones.)
Wookie Barbie (obnoxious
blonde hair everywhere)
Han Solo Ken (frozen in
Titanic Barbie (frozen
in ice)
Padm?Barbie (Even Barbie
wouldn't be stupid enough to fall for Anakin,
would she?)
Anakin Skywalker Ken
(You can pull the string if you want, but all he
does is whine)
Mace Windu Ken (He'll
get medieval on your a** . . . with a
Sharon Stone Barbie (Is
there a difference?)
'Arnold' Ken (Big and
buff, no neck; pull the string and he says,
Hobbit Barbie (short and
squat with big hairy feet)
Godzilla Barbie (six
foot tall lizard with Barbie head)
King Kong Barbie (six
foot tall ape holding Barbie doll dressed like
Fae Rae)
T3 Barbie (a study in
Bugs Barbie (buck teeth,
long ears)
Elmer Fudd Ken (bald
with hunting hat and rifle)
Dirty Harry Barbie
(Comes with large caliber pistol; pull the
string and she says, "Go ahead. >giggle< Make my
Power Ranger Barbie (has
all the riculous outfits and karate-chop action)
Teenage Mutant Ninja
(just what it sounds like)
Potato(e) Head Barbie
(also just what it sounds like)
Star Command Barbie (not
a flying toy)
Quidditch Barbie (also
not a flying toy)
Picasso Barbie
(Everything's in the wrong place.)
Steamroller Barbie
(looks a lot like #110)
Roadkill Barbie (looks
like #110, but with tire tracks)
Backdraft Ken (perfect
partner for #25)
Stuntman Ken (comes with
lots of Band-Aids)
Spear-through-the-Head-Barbie (formerly #94)
Bow-Legged Barbie (High
Stepper not included.)
Amazon Barbie (complete
with leopard skin outfit)
Shark Attack Barbie (Oh,
must we describe everything for you?)
Stampede Barbie (Kind of
like below, except with cows...Yeeeee-haw!)
Barbie-Got-Run-Over-by-a-Reindeer (An excellent
holiday gift idea!)
Disco Barbie (BeeGees CD
Trailer Park Barbie (For
the parent who wants to show their child what
grown-up life is really going to be like.)
Hypothermia Barbie
(formerly #60)
Battering Ram Barbie
Joan of Arc Barbie
(comes with stake, kindling, and matches)
Rastafarian Barbie (She
got dreadlocks and ganja, mon.)
Brickhouse Barbie (Built
like a brick sh...well, you know.)
Medusa Barbie
Gangsta Barbie (Raiders
jacket and rap CD included)
Hip Hop Diva Barbie
(complete with CD and bare midriff outfit)
Mafia Barbie (Feet set
in cement--she really sinks!)
Statue of Liberty Barbie
(tall, green, corroded)
'Hit-in-the-Head-with-a-Falling-Anvil' Barbie
(see #132)
Barney Barbie (Bloated,
plush, and purple; pull the string and she
spouts inane drivel.)
Junkyard Barbie (A
little like #57, but meaner.)
Barbie (see #132)
Banzai Barbie (a small
tree cut into a shape that vaguely resembles
Tree Hugger Barbie (Pull
the string and she spouts environmentalist
Ballistic Missile Barbie
(like #106, but more so)
Saloon Barbie (with Old
West Saloon girl outfit)
Green Giant Barbie
Tool Time Barbie
(Includes tool belt, which she has no idea how
to use.)
P.O.W. Barbie
(undernourished, tortured, and shell-shocked)
Lumberjack Barbie
(sleeps all night, works all day)
Blockhead Barbie (Barbie
with Charlie Brown's head)
Organ Donor Barbie (Just
like #102, but not necessarily dead yet.)
Sears Tower Window
Washer Barbie (see #9)
Baler Barbie (Wrapped in
twine; also known as Farm Accident Barbie.)
Oscar Meyer Barbie
(Barbie on a bun!)
Easter Island Barbie
(the famous statue with blonde hair)
Banjo Barbie (complete
with straw hat and Earl Scruggs CD)
Mick Jagger Barbie (Mick
doll with Barbie's head [but Mick's lips])
Headgear Barbie
(guaranteed to make kids with braces feel
Albino Barbie
Rocket Scientist Barbie
(Yeah, right.)
Insomniac Barbie
French Figure Skating
Judge Barbie (with dark glasses, a white cane,
and a big bag of rubles)
Zoot Suit Ken (Hey, carn嫮,
he looks like a real pachuco. 燙im鏮, ese?)
Osbourne Barbie (Don't
pull the fucking string, you never fucking know
what she'll fucking say!)
Black Plague Barbie
Burqua Barbie (Complete
with black dress and veil that hides everything
but her eyes)
Affirmative Action Ken
(you can't buy him unless you show proof that
you've already bought seven female dolls and/or
dolls of color)
Battery Acid Barbie
(Barbie + H2SO4 ?Fun!)
Hellfire and Damnation
Barbie (Pull the string and find out exactly why
you're going to hell!)
2004 Michael Martin, Sam Martin, and Dan